Bradley Stalder – FantasyData, Fantasy Football Fanalysts Podcast, BestBell Fantasy, and More

Fantasy Football Origin Stories is part of the Sports History Network – The Headquarters For Sports Yesteryear.


In this 16th episode, Bradley Stalder rides shotgun in the DeLorean, to take us back in time and learn about his Fantasy Football Origin Story. We talk about many topics, including:

  • Bradley’s first recollections of fantasy football 
  • Why he’s a Green Bay Packers fan living in Detroit
  • How he uses his career as a math teacher to help you win at fantasy football
  • His experience with the Fantasy Football Fanalysts podcast
  • and what you can get out of it
  • Much more

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BestBell Fantasy Website


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Bradley Stalder has over twelve years of fantasy football experience in auction, dynasty, redraft, and bestball formats. Before developing the Fantasy Football Fanalysts Podcast (@FFFanalysts) with Billy Muzio (@FFMuzio), he also wrote fantasy football articles and created comprehensive player and team projections for He earned his BS in Mathematical Science from Franciscan University and MEd with a focus in Mathematics Education from the University of Notre Dame. He lives near Detroit, Michigan with his wife and three daughters. He teaches Math by day to 7th and 8th graders.

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